Upgrading the Blog

7 02 2013

Hey guys!

We’ve decided to update the blog to make it easier to navigate and also took some time to make it look a little fancier. Unfortunately we aren’t able to move subscribers over to the new site, so you will have to re-subscribe. Please go to http://www.Yusevian.com and fill in your email address at the bottom of the website, then follow the directions that you receive in your email.

You make us feel special when you follow us, so PLEASE PLEASE continue!!!!!!


Yus & Nat

San Pedro de Atacama

2 02 2013

We got to San Pedro de Atacama after our tour of Southern Bolivia, and the first orders of business were showering, laundry, and enjoying warm weather at a paltry altitude of 2400 meters. This is the driest desert in the world, so by warm I mean balls hot. Most people do San Pedro in 2-3 days and jam pack all the popular tours, but we actually did the opposite. We stayed for over 4 days in order to relax and catch up with life and because we arrived on the day of full moon, we needed to wait at least three days to be able to do an astronomical tour which was high priority. And then because of bus schedules (no buses to Salta on Thusdays during this season), we had to wait an extra day. Overall, San Pedro (despite its small size and exorbitant prices by South American standards) has become one of my favorite stops based on the quality of the few tours we did do as well as literally being an ideal oasis to spend a few days and recharge.

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1 02 2013

Seems like spending two weeks per country has been our norm, and Bolivia was no exception. It is truly the Wild West of South America, a land of surreal landscapes, questionable infrastructure, and baby llama drama. Oh and the country is cheap, which is music to this backpacker’s ears. We hit up most of the main tourist spots–entering overland via Copacabana on Lake Titicaca, and exiting overland as well into San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. I think if I had some extra time (and in non rainy season), I would have tried to see Tupiza for the landscapes and Tarija for the wine, but neither is a regrettable miss at is point.

So here is our journey:

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